Miss Auto Pro "Jean Care Journey"

Miss Auto Pro "Jean Care Journey"

How the Jean Care Journey Begins

Let’s be honest — when in doubt read the instructions.

Yeah, all good -  but the risks of shrinkage and discolouration are a possibility, and  also the chance of wear and tear. When you don't have a road map for the Journey then your "One Teaspoon" jeans you bought and wore last week could look like they were also worn in the ‘80s. 

Ugh.  However let's be real not all the instructions are included with purchase of all if any jeans.  So we thought we might just take this part of the road trip with you and give you an outline of what the Miss Auto Pro "Jean Care Journey" looks like. 


Frequency - So as not to leave you or your Jeans Distressed. 

Real good news is you don’t have to wash your jeans as often as you think.

6 Months - Really?

You might be like me and not realise that  it’s in fact recommended that with regular wear your jeans only get washed every two to six months, depending on the type of denim and how often they’re worn.

There are other indicators that could be the sign you could wash such as the seat of your jeans starts to sag, the knees are stretched and creased, and when the waist becomes loose.  


The Initial Wash - What does this Look Like?

Below is a guide for that first wash on your Jean Care Journey.  You may take some wrong turns or have a coupe of accidents along the way.  What you can be is rest assured that the durability of denim will get you well cleared from those and you will be all good for the next roadie!

Destination - Clean Jean

Step 1.As you begin your journey be sure your jeans are inside out before washing them. This step helps protect the fabric from being damaged on the side that everyone will see. (unless you have opted to wear your jean inside out so in that case the opposite would apply)

Step 2.Throughout the journey it is good to know that your jean prefers  cold water with a mild detergent. This will help keep the colour and fabric of your jean looking the way it did when you purchased it.  They also prefer to be hand washed - like a massage.  And like a massage not always practical.   So if you must put them  in the washer take these precautions:

  • not often
  • on cold 
  • on gentle cycle
  • wash alone
  • get them out as soon as cycle finishes

NOTE: Spot cleaning can take the place of both the above processes.  So as not to frequently fully immerse the jean in water you may get rid of that small stain by spot cleaning with a damp cloth. 

Step 3. Not specifically a step but an FYI and a take precaution  - Do not bleach your jeans or put them in the dryer. Both of these methods can damage the fabric and cause your jeans to fade.

Step 4. Jeans like to hang to air dry after washing.  They do not like to tumble dry as mentioned above.  The great thing about air drying is it will help them keep their shape and avoid any wrinkles.  Something we all endeavour to do. 

NOTE: Freezing is similar to air drying.  It will get rid of unwanted odours.  Put dry jean in a tote bag into freezer for up to 48 hours. 

And there you have it.  Four simple steps/directives when wanting to get your jean looking pristine! 






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