Up-Cycled Denim Wear @ Miss Auto Pro

Up-Cycled Denim Wear @ Miss Auto Pro

Why Up-Cycle?

At Miss Auto Pro we have always been committed to the Up-Cycling of clothing especially denim and especially for the purpose of wearing it in trade related workspaces.  

How is Up-Cycling different to Re-Cycling: 

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages
(when we read the definition below we see the operative word is CONVERT)
verbrecycle3rd person presentrecyclespast tenserecycledpast participlerecycledgerund or present participlerecycling
  1. convert (waste) into reusable material.
    "car hulks were recycled into new steel"
(when we read the definition below we see the operative word is "REUSE")
verbupcycle3rd person presentupcyclesgerund or present participleupcyclingpast tenseupcycledpast participleupcycled
  1. reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
"the opportunity to up-cycle clothing, or turn it into new products, was vast"

What this Definition Means to Miss Auto Pro Ltd:

The commitment to Up-Cycling (Re-Use) of denim as part of our Re-worked line has been one that we believe will set a focus on the functionality, durability and timeless fashionability of denim.  When we begin to understand the impact on the environment making just one pair of denim jeans we start to become driven to find a solution to using the under-utilised denim that currently exists. 

Read More About the Perils of Denim:

To read more about how dreadful denim is as a fabric visit DW.com it will cover the overproduction, toxins directly affecting people who make the denim and spilled out through our water ways, and the enormous amounts of water and chemicals it takes to grow the cotton that denim is made from.  

Things we can focus on to alleviate some of the negative outcomes of Denim Production:

  1. Avoid overconsumption. Wear the denim you have as long as possible and forgo “fast fashion,” which is a term for cheaply made, trendy clothing manufactured to last only a season or two.
  2. Take existing jeans in for mending when needed, rather than tossing them out altogether.
  3. Shop at thrift stores, which extends the life and reduces the carbon footprint of each pair of jeans.
  4. When you purchase jeans online, opt for purchasing through Up-Cycle retailers who are sourcing well built jeans that will last. 

"It is important to note we do not have to forgo our fave blue jeans ..... but utilise what we already have in order to ease the burden on the planet. "

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